I was hired to conceive some user experiences for Gameboard, a social gaming console where you host concurrent play, use physical game pieces, enjoy immersive game visuals and audio, and play with other players via the internet - here's a link to their product: https://lastgameboard.com/pages/product
Part of this project involved building wireframe UX for existing games that would be ported onto the Gameboard platform. Most of these games already have a digital version but the UX is designed for each player using a single screen. Due to the complexity of the games, all had to be modified to use the Gameboard in a tabletop social environment with two sets of controls - Common controls for all players to use on their turn and individual player controls for in-game resource management. There is also a 'Companion App' that goes with Gameboard to provide a second screen interface for each player of a GM as the gameplay requires.
Terraforming Mars - an example
Bringing Skill & Action of an RPG - this is an example of how the platform can be used to add a skill & action element to an RPG.
Digital Deck Builder Game using Physical Cards - this is an example of how using coded, conductive cards can interact with the Gameboard surface in a Deck Building Game. Player decks 'build' by adding digital cards as bonuses.