These are some working game prototypes I made for a client when they were looking to expand a line of tabletop games inspired by backyard games.

Tabletop Ladder this game, you take turns tossing or flipping the washer-ended lines to score.

Tabletop "Polish Horseshoes"... You might have played this in a backyard somewhere with 2 posts, a bottle atop each post and a frisbee. In this tabletop version, you slide a washer and try to hit the post at the bottom to get the washer on top to fall off.

Tabletop Washer Toss...another miniaturized version of a backyard classic.

Have you ever played that game where you tie a balloon around your waist and try to burst it by bumping body parts with a partner? This was a reusable, concept that used a self-inflating resuscitation bladder and a tethered foam ball to provide the POP!

Work in progress pic...Yes, I had to cut the faces off a couple of unicorn pop guns and glue them to the top of the resuscitation bladder.